Como with Earth Hour!
The Tempio Voltiano of Como is an important monument that the town wanted to dedicate to the Alessandro Volta, the Genius who invented the battery in 1799.
On March 28th at 8.30pm all the lights of the Tempio will be switched off in occasion of the Earth Hour, the largest global mobilization promoted by the WWF to involve citizens, companies and institutions in concrete actions to give to the world a sustainable future and meet the challenge of climate change. Since its first editionin 2007, made only in Sidney, the famous hour of darkness has been spreading in every corner of the globe, leaving in complete dark symbolic squares, streets and monuments such as the Colosseum and Navona Square in Rome, Christ the Redeemer in Rio, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the bridge over the Bosphorus in Istanbul, all this to demonstrate against the climate changes.
“We have decided to do the Earth Hour at the Tempio Voltiano because it is a representative monument, Alessandro Volta, in effect, through the invention of the battery ” swithched on” the world” ; said Bruno Magatti council member of Como municipality.
Como, the town of the light turns off the Temple dedicated to Alessandro Volta to turn on the future of the whole world!!!