Davide Puma’s solo show “Rebirth” was successfully opened yesterday evening at the MAG – Marsiglione Art Gallery – in Como!
Davide Puma created twenty new paintings especially for this exhibit in Como which begins the series of Mag’s events linked to the EXPO and its topic.
The complexity of the natural cycle, of the elevation to the divine Creator at enmity with humans’ presence, of nature’s regeneration, are expressed by Davide in a very direct concept about rebirth; he says “ I can do nothing else that sprout up and bloom” “I can not escape growth and rebirth, it is part of me, of us all”, thought so full of poetry, hope and firm belief, basis of human evolution of our life.
It is Poetry which gives him inspiration and “food” to represent the contrast between human beings and nature, humans and cosmos, between animal and floral world, the one enters in the other with an organised confusion. You contemplate Davide Puma’s paintings for long time, there is not a one specific point of view, a reason does not exist in his personal depiction, each artwork gives the possibility to each of us to confer to it a different meaning giving us original emotional intensity. His artworks have body and spirit, both with an intense personality.
You can visit this great exhibition feeling deep emotions till May 23rd at Mag Via Vitani 31.