In these last few days Como downtown is very very hot , and crowded with local people and tourists . It is always beautiful walking among its ancient streets and discover its hidden corners, also Como is able to surprise you and to gift you magical emotions when you do not expect it! That’s what happens you if you enter the former Church of San Pietro in Atrio, close to the charming old square of Saint Fedele, San Pietro is an ancient building dating already the late XII century, the glass floor actually shows you its most ancient structure, and now-a- days it is used for art shows mostly. Once that you overstep its big main door you are infused with great ART, with Master Giorgio Celiberti ’s art!!!!
I think that the exhibit RIGENERATIO, on till August 2nd both at San Pietro and at the MAG, Marsiglione Arts Gallery Via Vitani 31, is one of the most beautiful surprises that Como is able to give to all its guests in this period. It lets you feel deep emotions, each painting has a special magic, and expresses the artist’s feelings and yours as well; oil paintings, wooden paintings, frescoes, polychrome terracottas, sculptures, jewellery … more techniques that characterize the wide production of Master Celiberti who is one of the main followers of Emilio Vedova with whom he worked for more years at the beginnig of his long artistic career; but in anycase Master Celiberti has always been able to keep his own identity,to follow only himself, his attitude and energy without getting influenced by other styles. He took part to Venice Biennale in 1948 when he was only eighteen years old and later he traveled around the world getting in touch with the leading personalities of the Italian and International modern art scene. In 1965 he lived a strong experience when he visited the Nazi concentration camp of Terezin, close to Prague. This deeply marked his sensitive soul and since that moment his later artworks were inspired by the sorrow that he felt when he saw the sketches made by the children that were exterminated by nazi murderous frenzy, when he rode their short sentences that sounded like tragic poems. Their” hearts “, their souls, became part of his paintings, sculptures, frescoes…
“One must still have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star” is Nietzsche’s famous maxim, RIGENERATIO is straigth related to it: the tragedy of the poor lager detainted children, took them to comunicate their fears, dreams, hopes, emotions by scratches, marks, graffitis; those images idelebily penetrated Master’s soul and their emotional strength created in him a huge explosion of energy that till that moment was hidden and locked somewhere in his deep heart.
I was very very lucky to meet this important artist but above all a great man, a very pleasant and kind person as we say “a gentleman of the past” . Master Celiberti is humble, simple, honest, true, he speaks you through his sincere and deep eyes, he looks you straight in yours and gives you wisdom, calmness, peace. When I met him I felt all this and much more that I am not able to describe through words, it’s an emotion that I will never forget; I can just say that master Giorgio Celiberti could be such a great artist above all because firts of all he is a great Man, a special person whose emotions are true, deep. God gave him his artistic talent and he was able to grow it and to make of it his life, his way to express his feelings; each sign, each line, each colour, each technique is a part of his soul that comes out. God gave me the chance to meet him and this is one of the most meaningful gift that I could ever have! Thanks Master Giorgio Celiberti, thanks to my beloved Salvatore !!!
RIGENERATIO GIORGIO CELIBERTI’S SOLO SHOW at San Pietro in Atrio –Como– and at MAG Marsiglione Arts Gallery Via Vitani 31- Como. From 07.02 to 08.02 Open everyday 10.30am-07.30pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays till 11.00pm.